New Issue of Sport in Art Magazine: Ice Hockey

New Issue of Sport in Art Magazine: Ice Hockey

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The third issue of the Sport in Art magazine is out. This time, it focuses on the beloved sport of ice hockey. However, we'll also venture into waters that aren't frozen.

As the editor-in-chief Milan Tesař himself says: 'It's no coincidence. In two months, the ice hockey world championship will kick off in Prague, and if there's anything 'art' today, it's getting a ticket to our team's match.'"

WHERE TO GET THE MAGAZINE? The Sport in Art magazine is available at, as well as HERE, in many bookstores, art institutions, and selected newsstands.

The face of the cover is now the artist Jakub Špaňhel. Petr Volf engaged in a conversation with this artist, where the painter revealed who stretches his canvases, but also that he wasn't afraid to ride a bike underwater: "I rode into the lake and descended under the surface on the back wheel until I had air in my lungs. It's incredibly pleasant to ride underwater, even though nobody believes me." In addition, he also invites readers to the upcoming exhibition "On Ice!" at the National Gallery Prague, where in April, among other hockey-related works, we will see his pieces. Volf describes him as a painter who brings to light what is not immediately apparent, supposedly opening doors to another reality and leaving it up to the viewer how far they dare to venture into it. How do his works resonate with you?

Aside from art, Petra Volf is also fascinated by architecture, so he went straight to the source and interviewed Petr Kolář, the architect behind a golf course with an open-air gallery. We'll take a peek into the Art Grand Slam exhibition, where awards were presented for contemporary sport-artistic achievements. 

Blood, sweat, tears, and cold. That's the title of an article about the beautiful yet brutal world of figure skating, explored by editor Michaela Bučková and photographers from And speaking of photography, we'll linger there for a moment longer. In this issue, we've prepared an interview with photographer Bára Prášilová, whose aesthetically perfect staged shots will mesmerize your eyes and fuel your imagination. We'll also take a moment to delve into the book by the phenomenal photographer and footballer Karel Novák.

The magazine about art and sport, with a focus on hockey in this issue, doesn't just stick to contemporary visual art but also takes a look back twenty years ago at the Nagano Opera. As the editor-in-chief himself writes about it: "The Nagano Opera captured the ancient ritual of hero worship with all the pathos inherent to opera and narrated it in a Czech manner."

The pages also delve into artworks inspired by hockey, including the hockey masks by illustrator Jan Šrámek and the dioramas by Canadian artist Diana Thorneycroft. And did you know that tattoo artist Lukáš Musil, also known as MUSA, used to play hockey too?

Venturing away from the main theme, we explore art unrelated to pucks. Aryz, one of Spain's leading painters, reigns supreme with wild colors, and his dynamic figures will make their debut in a Czech gallery this May.

The magazine also features a feuilleton by the writer Jan Novák, visual poetry by artist Ivana Zuskinová, and a hockey playlist by Mardoša from Tata Bojs. Not to mention the beloved culture tips.

You can purchase the magazine at selected stores or subscribe.

The graphic wizard behind our magazine's face is Milan Nedvěd.

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Published 21.03.2024

Martina se léta věnuje redaktorské a copywriterské práci, a to převážně na poli kultury, lgbt+ a fashion nebo interiérového designu. Vystudovala umění a public relations. Ve Sport in Art působí jako šéfredaktorka online magazínu a redaktorka tištěného. Kromě současného umění a psaní miluje třešně, potápět se ve vlnách oceánu i synth popu, výhledy ze střech, sádrovat díry po hřebících, snídat na balkoně, udržitelnost, rovná práva a ztrácet se v cizích městech.

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